Skimlinks Test

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Detox your Student Room for free!

It’s not late nights messing up your sleeping pattern... it’s Melatonin.

Congrats, you’ve made it! January is over and the pressure of detoxing and shifting the Christmas bulge has faded out. Whether you have achieved your dream Victoria Secret’s body or not, it is now mid semester and it is back to eating pasta and cheese three times a
day and time to focus on other aspects of your lifestyle.

When assignments start building up it is vital to stay stress free, the best way to do this? Turn your bedroom into a Red Light District! ... Shocked? Allow me to explain.
Since beginning university, have you ever said your peer, “my sleeping pattern is messed up”? Don’t put this down to the night out you had a few days ago, ‘catching up on you’. Scientists and Experts have discovered a new reason.

Parents have always been anti - Televisions in bedrooms, many of us growing up would have assumed this was because of watershed. However, A new study proved that those who used a gadget such as; a computer, iPad, smart phone or kindle during the hour before we hit the sack are three times as likely to get less than five hours sleep. Not only does this affect your alertness, it can increase the risk of medical conditions such as obesity, heart problems and can shorten your life span.
The bright white/blueish light (red light has no effect at all) that is emitted from these gadgets (also found in energy saving bulbs as they are fluorescent) has a certain wavelength that suppresses the production of a chemical found in the brain, called Melatonin. Melatonin is a chemical that controls the night to day cycle and needs to be kept natural to allow healthy biological functions. You may have seen Melatonin in your local Holland & Barratt store as the hormone is actually used as prescription in treating sleep disorders. Constant use of your gadget before bedtime tricks your brain as this blueish light mimics daylight so your brain instinctively wakes up.

In relation to this, your other senses also need de-stressing. It is advisable to wear a sleep mask in student houses to ensure you have an un-disturbed night sleep due to the light that may seep under doors from hallways, or car headlights through gaps in the curtains. Moreover, give your MacBook a chance to save battery life and shut it down instead of leaving it on sleep mode; the constant brightening and dimming standby light can also disrupt sleep.

Furthermore, a bedroom should be kept cool as your body temperature naturally drops as you nod off, experts recommend 10 degrees Celsius lower than the daytime average (hooray for lowering the heating bills). If you like drifting off to music, William C. Dement MD, the professor of psychiatry at Stanford University and Author of The Promise of Sleep recommends getting an app on your music device that automatically shuts down after 30- 60 minutes.
5 student-budget -friendly products for a better nights sleep:
  1. EcoTools Sustainable Sleep Mask – Boots £4.99
  2. Boots Pharmaceuticals Foam Ear Plugs – Boots £6.99
  3. Off Remote app – Free Application on iTunes
  4. L.E.D Night Light Animal, Red – IKEA £13
  5. French Lavender Sampler - Yankee Candle £1.75
So give your bedroom an MOT, store away those gadgets in cupboards, make space for your degree folders at the bottom of your wardrobe and return to your bedroom satisfied after a productive day to awake feeling refreshed and energised. 

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